Well here it is March 7th,2016 and really getting tired of all these political adds and debates on TV, like we don’t have anything better to do? Well my co-authored bike is out now it’s called ( A Cookbook with Survival Guide Tips) I’m really happy about it and I think the cover is so cool. 2 1/2 years to write Lots of good stuff in it, tips and a lot of great food ideas. Hope you all get one it makes a great gift. The weather in Montana is getting a lot better all the snow is melted in my yard, last year at this time we just had a blizzard , well thank you not this year. Missing my niece and her husband who are in Chile,😢😱 they are great people and I love them, along with all my other nieces that I have around the country. Well going to head out, hope to hear from you all soon.

God Bless you all. Roger.


Yup short note, my cookbook that I co-wrote with Susan Fay is out on line to down load or buy a copy, I am very proud of the work we did and the cover of the book is so cool, I just love it. Amazon has it if you are interested and the books title is .  A Cookbook with Survival Guide Tips. It would make a great gift for anyone and it’s easy enough that kids can use it. Ok enough of the short note. Later all.


Another day in the life of Roger

Well what does one say when it’s snowing and the temp is only 12* ?  Well the new year has started and watching the Ball drop in Times Square was nice but no way would I ever go there with 1 million people standing around for hours and once you leave you can’t get back in or that is if you can leave , and what about going to the bathroom? Omg that would stop me right there in my tracks…… I do find the best seat in the house is in my house, close to the bathroom , the refrigerator and what ever I wanted to eat, want a pizza……pick up the phone, make a sandwich ……go to the refrigerator and get one, that’s it so easy and so comfortable sitting in my recliner , enjoying my sweetheart and the dog passing gas from time to time, it was great, I love them both very much. So let’s see what this new year brings, now my Resolution for this year is, be a better person in everyone’s life mostly my sweet ladies life, make her happy as much as I can. That’s first and second lose weight so I can be sexy again ??? Well health anyway. Enough for tonight see you all later.



Well I must say that last night handing out candy to all the little kids was aloof fun and they were so cute……..but I never figured I’d hand out candy to 297 kids, omg so many, most were little ones but some older ones also. But that’s cool had fun anyway and it was nice to see the Columbia Falls police department driving around checking things out, made you feel a lot safer for sure. Thanks guys and gals. A nice cool morning today out there and not to many people driving around must be the sugar high keeping them inside. I’m in the living room watch the weather report, burrrrrr ! And my sweet lady is in her office/dressing room on the PC keeping up on the world there. And we are both waiting for tomorrow’s football game Denver/ Patriots , goooooo. Denver !! . Well you all have a safe day and will talk to you all later.


new info

good evening everyone,

well it’s Halloween, o….boy!  we have 333 pieces of candy and if my sweet loveable lady doesn’t stop eating them I’ll need to go out and buy more !!!  only kidding but some of them really do taste good…..

So sorry to hear about the crash of Virgin’s space ship today on there test flight, 1 guy passed on to see God and the other isn’t doing well, they will be in my prayers.

In some of my up coming messages or blogs I will be putting some Recipes and I hope you will enjoy them. But for now have a safe night and God Bless you all.


Food and cooking

Wow what can one say on a beautiful day like today, yes it is a crisp cool day right now but hey that’s Montana for you. As I was driving home from church I can see into Glacier Park which by the way as far as I am concerned is one of the most beautiful places you can go in this country, anyway as I was looking at the snow covered mountains a thought came over me on just how clean that it looked, almost pure white snow and I was wishing on how nice it would be if our thoughts were as clean ! And the thoughts of our world were that way also, we can only keep praying and hoping that someday …….yes someday we have world peace !!! Wouldn’t that be just so cool ?
Well this is to be about cooking so here goes, and some people are thinking what does he know about cooking ? Well I have been in the business for some 30 plus years and I retired in 2010 after spending 16 as Chef and instructor for kids in prison in Phoenix, Az. I have during my time there taught some 9000 kids how to cook and clean up a kitchen and when I say cook, we would cook some 1000 meals for breakfast , lunch and dinner 7 days a week and 365 days a year, some days more meals and some days less but I had such joy in showing these kids that there is more to life then being a gang banger or stealing things but work at getting a goal for yourself and become a Chef, well I was so lucky to have a few of them do just that and I would get phone calls at would from some of them thanking me for making them a better person ! You have no idea just that made me feel wow , yes there were tears in my eyes just thinking about those kids even today. So if anyone is interested I help co- write a cook book that’s in print and soon to be out for sale and I will keeps everyone up to date on when that happens.
Well I am one lucky man, I have a beautiful woman by my side who I met just over a year  ago and there’s is no one I would rather be with for the rest of my life then her !
Well enough for today time for football. I hope you all enjoy my site and if there is anything you want to know or add just send me a blog. Thanks to all.


Well here it is another Monday night coming to a close soon. I enjoy cooking and it makes me feel relaxed when I’m cooking up what ever I decide to make, I really enjoy stews and pot roasts but tonight was a Chili night   Yes it was out of a bag but one of the best I have had in along time, Gluten free too. Had the good fortune to help write a cook book that is being prepped to go to the store for sale so hope it gets there soon so you all can buy it for Christmas. Well time for bed and if you have any questions just let me know.

night to all.

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Food and cooking

Well here it is another Monday night coming to a close soon. I enjoy cooking and it makes me feel relaxed when I’m cooking up what ever I decide to make, I really enjoy stews and pot roasts but tonight was a Chili night   Yes it was out of a bag but one of the best I have had in along time, Gluten free too. Had the good fortune to help write a cook book that is being prepped to go to the store for sale so hope it gets there soon so you all can buy it for Christmas. Well time for bed and if you have any questions just let me know.

night to all.
